Powering Green Energy Together
Bord na Móna and SSE Renewables have launched a 50:50 joint venture which will target the delivery of up to 800MW of new renewable onshore wind energy across the Midlands.
As part of this joint venture, it is proposed to develop a wind farm on Kilberry Bog located in County Kildare. The proposed wind farm will be known as Kilberry Wind Farm.
As the project is at a very early stage, the proposed number, location and height of turbines have not yet been determined. The joint venture partnership is fully committed to informing and engaging with you through an active communication programme. It is very important to us that local communities have the opportunity to provide feedback to help inform the design, construction and operation of the proposed wind farm.
At this stage of the project, we are seeking feedback from the community on the proposed intention to develop a wind farm on this bog. To view the Public Consultation Material that was recently distributed to homes in the locality of the proposed development please click on the links below:
Request a Consultation Pack
If you would like to receive either a postal or digital copy of the consultation pack, please submit your details here.
Request a Call Back
If you would like to speak directly with
our Community Liaison Officer, please submit your contact details here.
Join Our Mailing List
To keep you informed of all relevant project updates the project team is providing the option to subscribe to our mailing list to provide you with project updates.
If you wish to participate in this service for the Kilberry Wind Farm project, please submit your details here.
The Project
The purpose of the Kilberry Wind Farm is to generate renewable electricity which will be transmitted directly onto Ireland’s National Grid which is managed by EirGrid.
Community Benefits
We ensure that local communities in the area benefit from the development of our wind farms by providing various benefits arising from their construction and operation.
We are committed to continuing to keep local residents informed about the proposed wind farm.
Wind Energy
Wind generated 30.66% of all electricity in Ireland in 2022, second only to natural gas.
38.9% of all electricity generated in 2022 came from renewable sources.
85.7% of renewable generation came from wind in 2022.
Ireland has a national target to move to 80% renewable electricity by 2030.
Ireland had a total installed wind capacity of 4.54 GW at the end of 2022.
By 2030, Ireland has a target of 9 GW of installed onshore wind capacity.